Project Results:
1. IMPACTOUR Tool - Decision-support system for Cultural Tourism Site/Destination managers
Visit the IMPACTOUR Tool Website [Link opens in a new window]
As a user of the Tool you can input and visualise Cultural Tourism data, access the decision support process and follow the impact that the proposed actions have on your decisions.
2. Public Deliverables and Reports
The following list of public deliverables produced by the IMPACTOUR project shows the deliverable number, title, link to the document and a short description of the contents.
D1.1 Report on cultural tourism leading to sustainable economic and social development
Linking cultural tourism with the increase in economic competitiveness and social welfare of regions and countries.
D1.2 Report on Policies, governance and business models
This deliverable analyses the policies, governance strategies and business models that have been developed in recent times to promote Cultural Tourism taking into account various aspects of sustainability.
D1.3 Identification of tools for Cultural Tourism impact assessment
Analysis of non-traditional sources of social and economic data (incl. big data) and their potential for impact assessments in the field of cultural tourism.
D1.4 Recommendations on tools for fostering and forecasting impact of tourism strategies
Recommendations for cultural tourism development strategies
D2.1 List of criteria and indicators to carry out the comparative assessment
First version of the identified criteria and searching indicators to select a good case in each type of cultural tourism destination.
D2.3 Benchmarking report
This document focuses on benchmarking of the Strategies and Key Success Factors (KSFs) associated with the Cultural Tourism destinations that participate in IMPACTOUR.
D3.2 Stakeholders engagement plan
This deliverable describes how stakeholders will be involved in data collection phases.
D3.3 Data collection methodology
This deliverable describes how the data collection will happen.
D3.4 Results from data collection phase
This document presents the systematisation and analyses of all the data available from the pilot destinations during the whole data collection process until the document’s submission date, although the data collection action will remain active to the end of the project period.
D4.1 Key Success Factors and replicability conditions of good practices
The deliverable provides a list of Success Factors, whose application may lead to the successful implementation of cultural tourism management recommendations.
D4.3 Cultural Tourism strategies repository
The Deliverable provides an overview of Cultural Tourism Development strategies (11) and actions (61) that are developed based on (a) IMPACTOUR project previous deliverables, (b) complementary review of academic and policy literature, (c) guidance materials for cultural tourism and sites, (d) interviews with the pilots, and (e) discussions with project partners.
[D5. IMPACTOUR Tool Design and Development.
These Deliverables are confidential and are therefore unlisted].
D6.1 IMPACTOUR Tool Validation Methodology
This deliverable describes the IMPACTOUR tool validation methodology, which is to determine the outcome variables of interest and prioritize them based on their relative importance.
D7.1 IMPACTOUR Outreach Strategy
This document presents the IMPACTOUR outreach strategy, which sets out the dissemination aims and methods to be adopted by the project participants, making optimal use of their existing networks and information channels to inform cultural tourism managers and stakeholders about the project’s activities and results and their application, both in the scientific and practical spheres.
D7.2 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan (DEP)
This “working document” is produced to plan dissemination of project aims, activities and results during the project's implementation.
D7.3 White Paper
The white paper discusses the intersection of Cultural Tourism and topics that emerged during the IMPACTOUR project's lifespan. It showcases innovative approaches to managing Cultural Tourism and emphasises essential trends related to tools and data. The paper also introduces the IMPACTOUR methodology and tool, which enhances the crucial role of Cultural Tourism stakeholders band offers a forward-looking perspective.
D7.4 1st Report on communication and visibility actions
Visual identity, website, communication material (flyer/postcard/pop-up poster) and social media developed in the project.
D7.5 2nd Report on Communications and Visibility Actions
This document presents the second report on the IMPACTOUR communications activities during Months 7 to 38 of the project. It records the visibility of the project in various publicity and dissemination channels and formats.
D7.6 Dissemination Pack
This document collects and presents all electronic and printed dissemination material used for dissemination purposes, including the project’s “white paper” and conference presentations for raising the awareness about IMPACTOUR and project results to the relevant target groups.
D7.7 Progress report on networking with EU initiatives and projects
This document presents an overview of networking activities carried out by the IMPACTOUR project partners in relation to European Union initiatives and projects in the intersection between Research and Innovation, Cultural Heritage and Tourism.
D7.8 Consolidated IMPACTOUR Communications and Dissemination Plan (CDP) Report
This document presents the final report of the IMPACTOUR communications and dissemination activities during the project’s lifetime, Months 1 to 42. It records the visibility of the project in various publicity and dissemination channels and formats.
D7.9 Policy Recommendations
This deliverable presents a set of policy recommendations at regional, national and European level. The report addresses three main areas: 1) EU Policy and Europeanisation, 2) Research and Innovation, and 3) Sustainability and Infrastructure.
D7.10 Policy Brief for the European Commission
This document presents policy recommendations to the European Commission (EC), derived from the experience of the IMPACTOUR Project and, in particular, the data-driven IMPACTOUR Tool for strategic management of Cultural Tourism impact in destinations. It addresses three main EU policy areas: Research and innovation, Cultural Heritage and Tourism. Recommendations from the project are directed to ongoing policy initiatives including: Horizon Europe, Culture, Media and Sport, Digital Transition, Green Transition, Tourism Resilience and Accessible Tourism.
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Updated 20 May 2024.