Tartu, Estonia
Tartu is the oldest city in the Baltic States and the second largest city in Estonia. It is a city with a rich history and cultural heritage, but also a city of innovation and modern solutions.
Tartu is known for its universities and numerous museums, also for its vibrant student life, intellectuals, creative people, and smart solutions.
Tartu has almost 100.000 inhabitants and 300.000 accommodated visitors every year.
In 2024, Tartu will be the European Capital of Culture.
Key Cultural Sites
Links to EU-funded projects
Social Media Links
#tartu #visittartu #tartu2024
- Tartu received Green Destinations Silver Award in 2021 after an international assessment of the destination. In addition, Tartu has been selected among the TOP 100 Sustainable Destinations two years in a row.
- In 2020, the good practice story about Tartu Smart Bike Share and biogas buses received second place in Green Destinations Stories Awards in Environment & Climate Category.
- In 2021 Tartu was named Environmentally Friendly Local Government of the Year.
- The oldest city in the Baltics!
"On the swampy plains of Emajõgi River, where the sandy hills that had formed in the area of Tartu made crossing the river easier, a settlement emerged already several centuries ago. The existence of the castle situated on the foreland of Toome dates back to the 5th century, and the discovery site of the settlers of Kunda culture, which lies in the city’s current boundaries in Ihaste, could extend Tartu`s history even up to 10,000 years. In the old Russian chronicles, Tartu was first mentioned in the year 1030, when the troops of Yaroslav the Wise captured the city. These written sources make Tartu the oldest city in the Baltic States." - The cradle of Estonian Culture, mostly said by the people
"Tartu has played an important role in the development of Estonian culture and national consciousness: the first national elite stemmed from the local university, the first newspapers, and cultural societies, the first national theatre – all began their work here, and the first national song festival took place here as well. Traditions that have lasted for decades or even centuries are preserved and passed on with the help of many historical buildings, unique wooden neighborhoods, vibrant cultural and sports events, social movements, and numerous museums, which all have their own story to tell."
Contact details for general information
Email address: Annika.ojasaar@visittartu.com
Postal address: Raekoja plats 6, 51003, Tartu, Estonia
Name of the contact person or Functional resource/department: Annika Ojasaar
Information for tourists: Visit Tartu
Key Information
Number of inhabitants: 97 607
Area: (e.g.) Rural, Urban, Peri-urban, etc.
The number of tourism enterprises: