Dario Patrizio Imperatore
Dario Patrizio Imperatore • 13 June 2024
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Visitor Experience

PeriferiArtMi Days - Ancient Villages and New Neighborhoods of the Suburbs

The Consulta Periferie Milano has published the Calendar of the "PeriferiArtMi Days - Ancient Villages and New Neighborhoods of the Suburbs" for the 3rd weekend 14-16 June with a program of 20 appointments.

Find details in the attachment below or click here.

With a total of 557 "guided tours" with free participation, carried out thanks to indispensable and new sharing for a total of 48 territorial entities, the "Days" represent a significant path that has the objective of giving continuous visibility and citizenship to each Village and neighborhood on the outskirts (divided into 166 different toponyms, sometimes unknown to the Milanese themselves).

The source of inspiration for this program is the strong connection with the respective artistic, architectural, landscape, and museum assets.

Museo dei Cappuccini, Milano
Museum of Cappuccini, in Milan


Marco Balsamo (+393392679499), Walter Cherubini (+393342519257)

Calendar 2024:

- 15-17 March
- 19-21 April
- 17-19 May
- 14-16 June
- 20-22 September
- 18-20 October
- 15-17 November

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